Thinking about my last post brought one of the ideas in this one to mind, especially given today’s front page. That is, was the miners’ strike a strategic bombing campaign? You what? But consider the strategy the NUM adopted. The basic idea was to concentrate on the supply of coal to the steel industry –…

Read More the 1980s considered as a battle in the air war over Germany

Swinging off a discussion at Jamie Kenny’s of climate deniers, I wonder what Jamie thinks about Steve Levine’s thesis here that China’s emerging culture of mass protest, the famous Mass-Group Incidents or MGIs, may have major and positive consequences for Chinese energy policy and therefore for the world. It’s surely time we started calling the…

Read More MGIs for cleaner skies, and Power Tool of the Week

There’s a good story to be told (somewhat in the New New mode) about the old Eurostar terminal at Waterloo Station. It’s basically as follows: after the Eurostars moved to the new St. Pancras, the thrillingly modern structure Nicholas Grimshaw gave them was abandoned to rot by “Sir” Brian Souter’s privatised train empire and eventually…

Read More outrage turns out not so outrageous and actually quite sensible

Really. Seven months. Six updates including a major version. Still no fucking blogger import into WordPress. Why is this being such a fucking pain? Does anyone know if Movabletype (or whatever) has a working importer? Note that solutions that involve downloading the complete TYR Classic and then re-uploading it over home “Very” ADSL are not…

Read More pointless whining

Quiggin is discussing why some things are neo- and others are post-. How do we deal with the current revival of high modernism (see Owen Hatherley’s blog and indeed his career, the proliferating Mid-Century Modern groups on Flickr, the wave of preservation campaigns for mid-20th century landmarks)? It’s obviously silly to call it post-modernism and…

Read More post-IKEA and indeed post-furniture

Stop! Don’t do it, man! Barclays is the UK’s most powerful single private lobby with a weighted network degree of 0.36. The Co-Op Bank is on 0.003 – 120 times less lobbyish. Really. Obviously, nothing in this post should be taken to condone or encourage such irresponsible, inconsiderate, and basically stupid behaviour. Especially not as…

Read More why we fight