Ralph Musgrave‘s economics blog makes a case for a program of time-limited payments to companies who hire the unemployed, although I’m not sure if Musgrave is thinking of it as a permanent feature of the welfare state rather than an emergency response to depression. I might quibble with a couple of aspects – for example,…

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Another thought, in the light of my last post and this one, is that the Murdoch wars have been effective because they get to the Tories’ System One, kinaesthetic, internalised skills, just in a context where they are unhelpful. It’s cricket, really – it’s all about trying to identify the circumstances where the batsman’s initial,…

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Rebuttal is futile, but sometimes it is necessary, and at least you can help people update their lists of people to ignore. Here’s Zoe Williams wilfully misleading the readers. From two completely different sources – Ted Reilly, a road safety campaigner, and Alice Bell, a lecturer in science and society and part-time Sack Boris campaigner…

Read More All mayors are not the same. All columnists, however…

Here’s something interesting. Who knew A4e had a secondary charity it gave money to, that also does public sector work and that also employs Emma Harrison and all her mates? It’s like that point in the con where you start setting up another scheme with the money out of the first one. Meanwhile, this has…

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