Compare and contrast. My review of the Gary Oldman Tinker, Tailor…, CMcM‘s. Your 1000 favourite Wikipedia articles. What is it with the critic and the ass-hat? As it’s their XML export pages, perhaps somebody’s experiment has gone out of kilter. But then, why is the User Datagram Protocol at no.12? It would be interesting to…

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Does anyone else wonder if this Daily Rekkid story is the point at which the Economic League/Consulting Association blacklisting case bleeds across into the Murdoch/private detectives/cops case? Tommy Sheridan seems to be the first person to appear in both as a target of surveillance, and it’s also worth remembering that Andy Coulson is in serious…

Read More perhaps we could do with more information from the information commissioner?

OK. So you want to be part of Total Defence of the NHS. You want to join the 10,000. To be the first of the few. If you’re in any of the London boroughs in the title, here’s your chance. You have until the 15th July, Saturday, to apply on this web page. There’s a…

Read More Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey, Islington CCGs: Applications Open Now

YouGov: Best chancellor in last 30 years – Brown 20%, Lawson 10%, Clarke 7%, Major 6%, Howe 4%, Darling 3%, Lamont 2%, Osborne 1%. Well, the usual response to any poll like this is to point out that most people answering it can only name one or two cabinet ministers, and therefore name recognition explains…

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An unexpectedly scary experience. I had to give a presentation at Telco 2.0’s conference this week, the first time I’ve done this, and the first time I did it at all since OpenTech 2008 (audio, slides). This, quite unexpectedly, flipped me into hellish stage fright, which I had always assumed to be basically a load…

Read More Scared.