Here’s a description of ISIS moving into new territory. “They are ready to die, willingly. They are not afraid of anything,” said Capt. Iyad Shamsi, who witnessed the Islamists’ walkover in June in Abu Kamal, Euphrates river town on Syria’s eastern border with Iraq. But it, as the McClatchy reporter says, was a walkover. “They…

Read More ISIS strengths and weaknesses in one article

Aditya Chakrabortty reports on the London Borough of Enfield’s housing department, under siege by the forces of Iain Duncan Smith. It looks like everything the bedroom tax critics thought might happen is happening, with the exception of the buy-to-let bandits going over the edge. Actually, that might be happening as well, but it’s hard to…

Read More The simple plan goes into action

The Adam Smith Institute is trying to make itself right about rail privatisation with this chart: Because it goes up and to the right! And if you forget the whole 14 year bit from 1981 to 1995 where it was going up and to the right, you can claim this is down to railway privatisation…

Read More Here is a chart illustrating some data. Watch me say the exact opposite

There’s something wrong with the Lib Dems isn’t there? I mean, apart from the whole “inflicting David Cameron on the country” thing. Pearce said that she would remain in the party in a more modest role. “So at the moment, not knowing quite where I fit in the party, I have still decided to remain…

Read More the token person who sits and smiles in the background

Here is a horrible piece of work. Tory MP Charlotte Leslie in the Grauniad says stuff. But Norman Warner is “brave” in a good way, though I disagree with him. Lord Warner, the former Labour health minister, has suggested that if we are to preserve our NHS, we should charge a £10 “membership fee” to…

Read More making TV programmes to make policy to go on TV with