USS Clueless Well, here we are, at one of Blogstreet’s “most influential blogs”. It’s a routine truth that this usually means a propaganda slot for Bush, but we may as well pay some attention to the ‘tothersiders for a while. 1. We may note that they share an obsession with Yasser Arafat as the root…

Read More USS Clueless: A clinical analysis of warblogging

Alistair Campbell’s resignation last week was universally considered a key moment in British politics. The reason why, was this: he provided a number of personality traits that Tony Blair never had and never will have, with the advantage that being an appointee rather than a civil servant or minister, he could be disposed of more…

Read More Campbell, Tony Blair, and the Rolling Stones

Reserve Tours Are Extended ( The Washington Post reports that US Army reservists and National Guardsmen in Iraq will have their mobilisation extended to a year. Well, it’s one way of filling up those gaps. Meanwhile in Ukland, the British force is to be reinforced. 1 Royal Green Jackets and 2 Light Infantry to go…

Read More US Reservists to serve longer in Iraq