The search for survivors from the plastics factory blast in Glasgow has been called off after another body was found. (link) “However, the void that rescuers had anticipated would contain the one remaining individual proved to be empty. They moved their efforts to another area of the site earlier today, but the discovery of the…

Read More Grim – no hope left for plastics workers

As the oil price goes through the roof (all about oil was it? Ha!) the now-traditional news stories (Freudian – I just wrote “tories” for “stories”. The unconscious speaks, or rather it blogs..)about renewed fuel protests have duly emerged. The BBC reported today that ministers have been meeting with oilmen, Petrol Retailers’ Association reps, Army…

Read More Why we shouldn’t care about fuel scares

“In the case of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, a high-level detainee who is believed to have helped plan the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, C.I.A. interrogators used graduated levels of force, including a technique known as “water boarding,” in which a prisoner is strapped down, forcibly pushed under water and made to believe he might drown.”…

Read More Held under water and made to believe he might drown

It is being reported (here, and via Juan Cole) that the US Army in Karbala has destroyed half the Al-Mukhayyam Mosque as heavy fighting went on in the city. How stupid is that? This stupid – recent reports have suggested that a political solution between the coalition and Al-Sadr was imminent. There is talk of…

Read More Things slide again in Iraq – did we really just collapse a Masjid?

Reports are increasing that the Daily Mirror photos have been debunked (BBC link. Further, Mirror Group issued a statement saying that they were confident that the pictures “accurately illustrated” serious abuse – a wording that suggests backtracking. Among other things, I’ve heard that the army’s inventory of trucks was used to trace where they might…

Read More Fake photos, real problem, still no ICRC publication

The FT is reporting that friction has developed between the so-called Fallujah Protection Army/1st Battalion Fallujah Brigade (depends on terminology, see below) and the various “notables” who are now to be in charge there. It would appear that they are not happy with the idea of this force co-operating as expected with the Americans, nor…

Read More Meanwhile in Iraq: that Fallujah “solution”