The Guardian reports that Afghan police in Kabul have uncovered a group of mercenaries who were operating their own prison under the cover of an “import business”. In the building they had several people hanging upside down, who had apparently been beaten up first. Lovely. Although the group’s leader is apparently one Jonathan Keith Idema,…

Read More What now? Mystery of free lances and their own little jail

Firm whose washing machine cooked worker fined £325,000 This case, which I blogged at the time, has finally been nailed down. To recap, Paul Clegg ventured into a 40ft long industrial washing machine to clear it of sheets tangled in the workings. He was overcome by heat inside the thing, but although people outside knew…

Read More Result!

The BBC achieved a small triumph last night when it managed to follow a repeated Yes, Minister episode from 1981 concerning a hospital with no patients with a Newsnight special on the difficulty of measuring public-sector productivity and the temptation for politicians to exploit this by using dodgy figures. This is something the Ranter touches…

Read More Yes, Minister! Public service productivity

It is reported that Microsoft has patented technology for networking mobile electronic devices through the user’s skin. Gear like PDAs, phones etc would communicate by using the skin’s electrical conductivity. Further applications could supposedly include producing power for such devices from your movements, rather like a self-winding watch, and even displaying information on the skin.…

Read More MS patents skin networking

Numerous reports in the main media suggest that the Ministry of Defence is going to come out very badly in the current public spending round (yes, I know it’s not called that any more). In so far as the leaks agree, they seem to be suggesting a 1% budget increase. Whether this is real terms…

Read More Helicopters, horses, Martin van Creveld – what can it all mean?

The Financial Times reports that US counter-terrorist efforts in West Africa are being strengthened after increased scrutiny of the former Liberian dictator Charles Taylor’s alleged links with Hezbollah and al-Qa’ida. Reportedly, more staff have been assigned to help in financial investigations there, and a further legal attache (a FBI representative) is to be appointed. The…

Read More Is this the explanation for the Bout scandal?