Yet another crisis week for the government has gone by without apparently doing any damage. The Butler report punched in but again failed to either nail down the prime minister or to convincingly clear him. Where Lord Hutton’s report denied that anything was wrong, Butler’s made it abundantly clear that plenty was wrong, but crucially…

Read More Bye By Election – Blair Blitzed, Beaten But not in Brum or by Butler – quite

Essential viewing tonight – not just one but two BBC documentaries on Saudi Arabia (This World, 2100, BBC2, and The House of Saud, 2320, BBC2), and another produced from 6 months’ secret filming of BNP meetings (The Secret Agent, 2100, BBC1). Highlights include their shirt-pocket führer Nick Griffin ranting madly about Muslims raping white girls…

Read More BBC Stupidity

Spyblog agrees with my reaction to the Mexican microchip story – astonishment and horror-fixation, roughly – quoting a AP story including some even weirder implications. Jewelry and mobile phones loaded with RFID chips indeed. Of course, the next step would be to carry your own scanner so as to know if anyone was pinging the…

Read More Blogs for today

It was considered sensational when an Airbus A300 belonging to DHL was hit by a surface-to-air missile near Baghdad last year(link, picture), narrowly surviving after the crew succeeded in manoeuvring back to the airport and landing without the hydraulics – they could only control the aircraft by varying the thrust on the engines separately. It…

Read More Interesting

It is reported that senior Mexican officials including the attorney-general have had identifying chips implanted into their persons. These are intended to control access to sensitive information and provide a means of locating them in the event of kidnapping. Presumably the “chips” are RFID devices, which would emit a radio signal containing a unique identifier…

Read More Kidnappers and RFID chips

The Register reports that a group of Romanians have invented wireless mobile music sharing. “Instead, it’s a small two-man smartphone software company based in Bucharest. Best known for its Symbian Series 60 software, Simeda recently introduced a small piece of file discovery software for wireless Pocket PCs which implemented Apple’s Rendezvous service. Now they’ve gone…

Read More Hmm..file sharing Ipods. Nice. (warning techy post)