Here at the Ranter, one of my regular targets is the delusion held by many Conservatives that somehow, if they could just get into the Foreign Office, they could create a mighty alliance with such great powers as – er – Denmark and Estonia to rewrite the European Union treaties in such a way as…

Read More It’s Over. EFTA is not repeat not coming back.

The Smoking Gun has a list of pornographic comics and films that were either seized or permitted by Canadian Customs on the US border. “Housewives at Play” – verboten! “Housewives and Hot Moms at Play” – all well and good. How d’you reckon they work these things out?

Read More What you can, and cannot, bring into Canada (NON SERIOUS)

The Torygraph reports on what must have been a memorable day at the independent inquiry into Gulf War syndrome after the former medical adviser to the MoD’s own “health assessment programme” turned up in a US Army uniform and accused British servicemen of alcoholism and malingering. “He was scathing of the British soldiers he examined,…

Read More MoD’s mad Doc in committee brain fart