It’s about control. And we don’t have it. An oil pipeline from the northern Iraqi oilfields to the main refinery in Baiji was blown up, and what happened? “The secondary pipeline about 60km west of Kirkuk, which carries oil to refineries in the city of Baiji, was bombed at around 3am (0000 GMT) on Monday,…

Read More It’s not about body counts. It never is

The Sunday Times reports that two unmarked civil aircraft have allegedly been used by US agents to transfer prisoners to such countries as Egypt, Uzbekistan and Syria, allegedly in order for them to be interrogated under torture. Witnesses to transfers describe the prisoners being handcuffed, dressed in nappies and sedated by suppository before their departure.…

Read More “Torture Flights” and an anonymous firm

Back in early 2000, if you had barged into Tommy’s Bar at Royal Holloway, University of London, and demanded of me who had most impressed me in the last six months, I would have unhesitatingly told you that John Towers, the former production director of Rover Group who had just saved the Rover plant from…

Read More MG Rover – How John Towers Made My All-Time Shit List

Have just begun using Mozilla/Firefox! And have discovered that the Ranter looks weird in it! And that the clock doesn’t work! (Cue Mozilla users saying “Clock? There’s a clock?”) Just another reason to begin the long delayed Ranter Redesign…

Read More Firefox

In the wake of Yasser Arafat’s death, many well-informed voices have raised concerns that a damaging factional struggle might break out and possibly damage the peace process. On one side, a hard-line sect united in adulation of their leader and in their trust in force. On the other, the forces of an established bureaucracy hoping…

Read More Infighting Feared in the Middle East

It now seems that, just as predicted, the insurgents have been slipping out of Fallujah. As predicted, they headed north towards Kurdistan….where the state of emergency doesn’t apply. And, as predicted, they created mayhem. The Guardian reports on the eruption of fighting in Mosul, where rebels have apparently gained control of the streets at least…

Read More As predicted….

Keith Olbermann of MSNBC’s Countdown ran with the voting oddnesses last night, covering much of the stuff that has been blogged heavily in the last few days. For example, those mystery voters: “Interestingly, none of the complaining emailers took issue with the remarkable results out of Cuyahoga County, Ohio. In 29 precincts there, the County’s…

Read More Voting Weird: MSNBC hits the story

Well, the bollocks is officially over and Allawi has “given the go-ahead”. Now for the show. A “source” has suggested to me that most of the guerrillas have already exfiltrated and are intending to create mayhem in the rear once the US Marines are thoroughly committed. The hardly reported massacre of police in the Haditha/Haqlaniya…

Read More Fallujah