Various British blogs, especially around Tim Ireland’s Bloggerheads, are getting terribly het up about the news that Zack Exley, an internet activist from, has come over to the UK to work on the Labour campaign team. Tim has got to the point of crossing Atrios and the Washington Monthly off his blogroll because they…

Read More Zack Exley, Triangulation and a Blog Row

The director of the French national library, Jean-Noel Jeanneney, is not, it seems, happy about Google’s project to put the collections of major libraries online in full text. Harvard, Michigan, Stanford, the Public Library of New York, and the Bodleian have signed up. It’s certainly an inspiring aim – to make everything in the great…

Read More The Bibliothéque Nationale and Google Print

Nick Barlow has been doing an excellent job digging into the various God-bothering groups involved in the Jerry Springer – The Opera protest and the utterly disgusting campaign against the Maggie’s cancer centre for accepting a donation from the Springer production. He connects the interlocking front groups to a right-wing Catholic organisation called “Tradition, Family,…

Read More Suburban Collaborators?

Via Wampum, this article regarding an unusual application of WiFi networking – setting off claymores! The US Army in Iraq is apparently using the well-loved 802.11 standard that makes grand people’s laptops connect to the net in airports to control command-detonated mines used for perimeter defence. Great. The weapon concerned is not technically a land…

Read More Interesting, and rather worrying too (Fun with Electronic Warfare)

Why am I not in the least surprised by this? Titan, Inc., one of the companies involved in supplying privately-employed interrogators at Abu Ghraibh, has been caught paying out huge bribes to the president of Benin in order to get contracts. They shelled out two wedges of a million bucks each for him, and tossed…

Read More Privatised Interrogators in Corruption Scandal