BoingBoing recently posted regarding the long-tailed boats used in South-East Asia, essentially traditional designs with old lorry engines installed on a long steerable propshaft in the stern. I was reminded of a curious piece of history and wrote to the BBsters as follows: It’s not well known that those boats originate from a change in…

Read More Barbara Castle’s Unlikely Legacy

Sources are great, aren’t they? Especially when they’re “police sources”. Police sources said Jean-Charles de Menezes may have been found with cocaine. Well, I may have been found with cocaine, but not by a policeman, and not by anyone else – indeed, I may not have been found with it all. Enough semantics. Police sources…

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Hear that weird whistling and crackling radio noise? That’s the technicians trying to get Simon Heffer’s Gaydar lined up. What does it tell you about the Lib Dems that the only one of the potential leadership candidates who had anything like interesting and attractive policies has had to drop out because his colleagues refused to…

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Robert “Paradise and Power” Kagan, the global expert hyperpundit famous for determining that someone like Jacques Chirac is unwilling to take action to defend his interests, being more interested in maintaining an illusory island of Kantian peace in his backyard, thinks the capital of Australia is Sydney. Apparently, according to leading US scholars, the essential…

Read More Just incredibly fucking stupid..