The Independent appears to have repented of its indulgence of Martin Durkan’s quackery, publishing a report on various scientists usually considered to be “climate sceptics” whose work Durkan misrepresented or even falsified. Dr Friiss-Christensen said that a graph he had produced some years ago showing the link between fluctuations in global temperatures and changes in…

Read More The Indy takes a holiday in sane

So Lord Browne is gay. Who knew? Well, I did, simply because people have googled and hit this site at a rate of 20 a day since March, 2004. Think digital privacy doesn’t matter? Think again. But let’s ask another question. Back in 2005, BP killed a dozen workers at its Texas City refinery, in…

Read More Morality

I didn’t grok the significance of “Debi Jones”, a Tory councillor quoted by the Sindy‘s latest WLAN pseudoscience scare piece, until I checked in on this row at the Ministry. In a box-out that doesn’t appear on their website, Jonathan Owen quotes “Debi Jones, Tory councillor for Hightown in Somerset” as saying that: “It seems…

Read More Digital Dave signs up to WLAN psuedoscience