Though it may be schmaltz
…It’s a tired old blogosphere cliche to link to Fafblog, but this is genius. It’s too good to quote piecemeal.
Read More Though it may be schmaltz…It’s a tired old blogosphere cliche to link to Fafblog, but this is genius. It’s too good to quote piecemeal.
Read More Though it may be schmaltzOn Newsnight, after the disaster of the shrine bombing, Nick Houghton seems to get it. He said that the enemy wants as much chaos as possible so as to create their Caliphate. That might sound like standard military-press boilerplate, but is it? The caliphate is a virtual state, the nation of the mind. The chaos…
Read More General HoughtonRight, so those guerrillas in Nigeria’s oilfields have finally chucked in all that nonviolent stuff of Ken Saro-Wiwa’s and are blowing up oil pipelines, kidnapping engineers and shooting cops. They’ve even set a numerical target so as to let the markets price it in and do their work for them – they want to take…
Read More John Robb and those Guinea Gulf Global GuerrillasThe Arizona Daily Sun has a newsful report on Sonia Falcone’s arrest, including this: In the courtroom Friday, Falcone swiveled in her chair, the restraints on her designer jeans occasionally chinking just above her high heels. Donning my journalistic blue cellophane shade, munching a cheese sandwich washed down with scotch and smoking three cigarettes, I…
Read More More on the Falcone arrestPierre Falcone’s wife, dubious cosmetics entrepreneur, wannabe Republican powerbroker and somehow unconvincing spokeswoman for the Latino poor Sonia Falcone has been arrested on charges of using a forged document to gain resident status in the US. Colour me schadenfreude.
Read More Mr. Capone, about that tax return..Shirley Williams, on Ming Campbell’s ticket: Balancing liberty and these dangerous times..only a temporary measure…really all for your own good… Slip the shackles from your eyes. Real security has nothing to do with a trade-off with liberty. There’s a reason why so many key threats to our security come from or pass through polities…
Read More Really Glad I Didn’t Vote For HimSpam received claiming to be the Bank of America, trying to collect passwords. Now, here’s how you do it: select “view source” in MS Exchange or Outlook, view original in Gmail. This will show the HTML code of the email. Look for the link you’re meant to click to provide your password: it will look…
Read More And again…I am the third highest result on Yahoo! UK for “illegal penis enlargement operations in the Philippines”, which is about as sleazy as it’s possible to get. Penis enlargements…illegal penis enlargements..illegal penis enlargements in the Philippines. What the searcher was probably after was this story from the Taipei Times of August 26, 2005… Philippines:Penis enlargements…
Read More DSR: Best Yet?Remember how Blair so graciously conceded a review of the Prevention of Terrorism Act? A sunset clause? Well, one year on, the terrorism having not been prevented, the mind-buggering absurdities (remember the man who’s only a danger to national security at night?) still glaring, the principle of punishment without trial or charge still in place,…
Read More Sunset ClausesA cracking post on why there are so many CCTVs, from the Cambridge University Computer Lab’s security research folk. Apparently it’s simply because the government put up a lot of money conditional on doing CCTV with it. The UK public sector historically loves use-it-or-lose-it accounting, despite the fact that it is completely fucking stupid. It’s…
Read More Why are there so many CCTVs here?