
LA Times story Well, the last day of nominations is here, and so far no-one knows who’s standing and who isn’t! “With California Secretary of State Kevin Shelley scheduled to certify a final list of candidates for the recall election today, confusion continued over how many candidates will appear on the Oct. 7 ballot. Shelley’s…

Read More Final Candidate Count Is to Be Announced Today

BBC: Solomons warlord surrenders An early success for the largely Aussie intervention on the Solomons. Typically for a group of Pacific islands, political weirdness has been rife there. But most of them have avoided race war and the collapse of the state to the point where, as the Solomons finance minister said, the cabinet couldn’t…

Read More BBC NEWS | World | Asia-Pacific | Solomons warlord surrenders

As has been widely reported, those crazy folks in California have decided to recall their Democrat governor Gray Davis. Recalling is a Californian constitutional oddity, introduced in 1911, under which any citizen may raise a petition to dismiss the governor. If enough people sign up, there has to be a vote – effectively a referendum…

Read More Recalls, Stupidity and Terminators.

Jordan’s embassy to Iraq bombed The Jordanian embassy in Baghdad has been blown up by a truckbomb containing between 130-230kg of explosive. 7 dead so far. Apparently the wrecked embassy was then sacked by an angry crowd – gets to be a bit of a tradition, no?

Read More BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Jordan’s Iraq embassy attacked

The following is from a public health aid worker’s blog in Senegal, link. “I was asking an elderly woman about her vision and had a hard time understanding her answers in Wolof. Generally if I ask, “Can you see well up close?” they answer with something complicated, like “Well, I can see to sew sometimes…

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State of Decline As usual, Prof. Paul Krugman of MIT’s comments on economic life are well worth hearing. “California’s slide into irresponsibility, in which politicians refuse to acknowledge any connection between the government services the public demands and the taxes that pay for those services, is being replicated all across America.” Indeed. “Proposition 13, the…

Read More Paul Krugman on California’s crisis