
The Guardian reports on recent successes by Britain’s favourite mob of semiliterate fascists, the British National Party. Apparently, one BNP councillor had to be “taught what it meant to abstain” at a council meeting last week. Amusing, but there is no place for blatant smuggery when a wannabe politician like the BNP’s John West can…

Read More The BNP and the glam that goes with it

Preparation for massive terrorist attack has been a major theme of life since September, 2001, and one that governments have been tackling in various ways. The US, of course, has already built a gigantic new bureaucracy for this task (the department of homeland security, and its military twin the US Northern Command). In the UK,…

Read More Civil defence should be citizens’ defence

USS Clueless Well, here we are, at one of Blogstreet’s “most influential blogs”. It’s a routine truth that this usually means a propaganda slot for Bush, but we may as well pay some attention to the ‘tothersiders for a while. 1. We may note that they share an obsession with Yasser Arafat as the root…

Read More USS Clueless: A clinical analysis of warblogging

Alistair Campbell’s resignation last week was universally considered a key moment in British politics. The reason why, was this: he provided a number of personality traits that Tony Blair never had and never will have, with the advantage that being an appointee rather than a civil servant or minister, he could be disposed of more…

Read More Campbell, Tony Blair, and the Rolling Stones