
It is with disappointment that I have to say that one of the first blogs this one linked too, WindsOfChange.net, is now persona non grata. It was an impressively professional outfit, but their recent and deeply unpleasant attack on Edward Said on the occasion of his death warrants the end of blogging relations. “Columbia professor…

Read More Edward Said – and how I fell out with WindsOfChange.Net

So, the Iraq Survey Group’s report says they have found nothing at all in Iraq. What a shocker! This body was, of course, the super-super wondersquad far beter than any wimpy eurosexual surrender-monkey UN inspectors who would tear aside the veil of excuses and deceit and….something like that anyway. And they appear to agree with…

Read More No weapons of mass destruction; war all a mistake!

In the Intelligence and Security Committee’s otherwise weak and scared report tho other day, there was a minor gem of truth. In the past on this blog, I made the point that the Hutton Inquiry had demonstrated that Jack Straw’s excuse to the Foreign Affairs Committee was dishonest. Straw, you might dimly recall, made the…

Read More How the ISC caught Straw and didn’t realise

So – it’s almost here. David Blunkett is apparently pressing to get a Bill creating national identity cards in the Queen’s Speech. And – after all the babble about “entitlement cards” that wouldn’t be called ID cards so as to be more cuddly, voluntary schemes and the like – he wants them to be compulsory,…

Read More YOUR PAPERS PLEASE! and how the Home Office’s mind works

Which oil-rich Middle Eastern country supported Osama bin Laden? Which oil-rich Middle Eastern country is run by an alliance of Wahhabi fundamentalists and corrupt princelings? Which oil-rich Middle Eastern country recently locked up a number of British citizens for no reason at all, subjected them to beatings and sleep deprivation, forced them to make video…

Read More So who’s up for the invasion of Saudi Arabia then?