
The same blogger who prepared that article, Mediocre Fred, has also recently written at length on another Ranter target, the US fraudster and conspiracy propagandist Lyndon LaRouche, who is apparently standing for the Democratic presidential nomination. LLR, the editor of Executive Intelligence Review, is famed whereever faintly anti-Semitic gun nuts meet for his idiosyncratic explanations…

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Open Source Politics: United States: The Government Is in Business A very good post from an excellent blog on the stupidity underpinning one of the most common no-meaning proposals in modern politics – the idea that government should be run like a business. This idea has long legs, especially in the US where it goes…

Read More Open Source Politics: Running government like a business

Jarvis quits rail maintenance The construction firm, PFI guilty party and disastrous rail maintenance contractor Jarvis plc has decided to withdraw from all its railway maintenance contracts! So let us all rejoice! “Jarvis is pulling out of routine maintenance, partly because it is worried about its reputation being damaged by accidents caused by poor workmanship.”…

Read More BBC NEWS – Jarvis quits rail maintenance

One may recall that very soon after the collapse of the Ba’athist regime, a business had started up offering a world standard, GSM mobile phone network in Baghdad and some other parts of Iraq. That was, until the Americans saw it differently and confiscated most of their equipment. This was no doubt why – they…

Read More Great news…the Americans will let Iraq have mobile phones

Israeli soldier killed on Lebanon border “A UN official told Reuters that one of its water trucks had been hit by three bullets from the Israeli side. No one on the Lebanese side was hurt, said officials.” Now where have we heard that before? Do they just get the red mist whenever they see anything…

Read More BBC NEWS Middle East | Israeli soldier killed on Lebanon border

A horrible experience this morning! BBC Radio 5 running a phone in about the former Conservative minister David Mellor (you know, the weird fatfaced one who was appointed Secretary of State for National Heritage by Major – they called him the “minister for fun”, but he was sacked for having quite a lot of fun…

Read More The royal road to the conservative soul?