
The courts have ruled in a groundbreaking decision that a man who can only be named as “DB”, who has been detained without trial or even a reason in the Home Office since 2001, must be released from his duties immediately on the grounds that his ordeal has caused him to develop a psychosis. Sources…

Read More Courts rule that man must be freed due to mental state

Airport Screeners Do Poorly, Panel Told (washingtonpost.com) Apparently, the TSA’s security screeners miss 2 out of every 10 prohibited items sent through their checkpoints in a test. According to the Post, there was no difference between state-run and private security. Which is no surprise when they hire the kind of people who stick their heads…

Read More Airport security misses 20% of weapons

So – it’s official. We are to have a referendum on the European Constitution. And – of course – we are going to vote No. What happens next, no-one is very sure of. This depresses me deeply. After all this time, says Blair, we are going to have the grand showdown argument to whack the…

Read More Heigh ho! for the EU Constitution referendum. Great!

More and more reports suggest that the Coalition and specifically the US Army and Marines in Iraq are having serious difficulties keeping open the roads. This was no doubt behind the announcement that several major highways would be closed to civilian traffic, despite the rather pathetic attempt to spin this as “repairs”. After all, by…

Read More Logistics crisis in Iraq – and the negotiations

You are Paul Krugman! You’re a brilliant economistwith a knack for both making sense of thecurrent economic situation and exposing theBush administration’s lies about it. Yousomehow came out as the best anti-war writer onthe Op-Ed staff. Other economists hate yourguts for selling out to the liberals. To hellwith ’em. Which New York Times Op-Ed Columnist…

Read More Which New York Times Columnist Are You?