
Frank Maloney, well-known boxing promoter and UKIP candidate for Mayor of London (Doesn’t the sheer crappy populism of that make, as Simon Hoggart put it, your teeth fur over?) has got into trouble by ranting at gay people. He declared that he would not be campaigning in Camden because there were “too many” of them,…

Read More Tell me again – what was it fight promoters do for society?

It is reported that a student at New York University spent the last eight months sleeping in the basement of the library at his college because, despite working four jobs and drawing a scholarship, he couldn’t afford hall fees. Students have, of course, a reputation for catlike powers of sleep, and with the best will…

Read More Student lives in library, builds blog – this is news?

British Spin reports that Hartlepool’s citizens are about to embark on no less than eight opportunities to exercise their civil rights in the next two years. That makes four elections a year – just think of all the leaflets! and tea! and shameless lust for power! Just for added value, they’ll involve Peter Mandelson and…

Read More Hartlepool: Hart of British Democracy

Back in January, during the great aviation security flap, I blogged that the flakiness of the arrangements for sky marshals on flights from Europe perhaps suggested that some officials were hoping to accept the scheme but let it fail. It now appears that the US is rowing back on the idea: US ditches effort to…

Read More As predicted, sky marshals begin to disappear…

I don’t think this story has been covered much in the UK, which is a great pity as not only is it good, it is also a fine piece of Ealingesque British farce. Imagine. The former director of the CIA, James Woolsey, snooping around a college in Swansea trying to prove that one of its…

Read More The CIA, the Swansea police and the neo-conservatives