Simple Plan

There’s a lot of interesting stuff in this Randeep Ramesh piece in the Grauniad. However, the coalition is concerned that these levels of building will not meet the demand for properties, particularly in south-east England where outright normal home ownership is not an option for many. So [Danny] Alexander and his Tory cabinet colleague Eric…

Read More Two simple plans – mine and another

The “Create Streets” lot are being mithered by the very serious people again. Dave Hill of the Guardian and Faisal Islam from the Ha! Ha! Poors Channel have been at it since the turn of the year. London housing crisis: Create Streets? Fine. But who decides? — DaveHill (@DaveHill) January 10, 2014 interesting: β€œ@createstreets:…

Read More who you gonna call? the unacceptable behaviour team

I’m using the big megaphone this blogkend, but here are a couple of Simple Plan things. The London Labour Housing Group’s Red Brick discusses why the distinction between general government gross debt and public sector net debt is important. GGGD is internationally comparable, and excludes public corporations, which hardly exist any more but do include…

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