
Shouldn’t this story be getting just a little more air? So the editor of the News of the Screws is found by an employment tribunal to have bullied one of his reporters to the point that it seriously affected his health, to have tried to exert influence on his doctor, while both the sports editor…

Read More I am now surrounded by liars, clowns, fools, drunks, sycophants and the desperate

OK. So we looked into voice stress analysis and the world telecoms infrastructure. And we concluded that proper VSA – the sort with the peer-reviewed scientific papers an stuff – was technically impossible. Recap; the original VSA research is based on a change in a signal in your voice between 8 and 12Hz, but even…

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Those crazy Canadians, eh? It looks like they’re about to do that rare thing in a Westminster-type constitution, throw out the government on a confidence vote and substitute another. Not just that, they’re going to do that even more rare thing in a Westminster-type constitution, form a multi-party coalition. Not just that, they’re going to…

Read More Westminster 1.4; the developer’s guide

Packer vs. Kilcullen in the New Yorker. Here’s the key paragraph: Police are another main issue. We have built the Afghan police into a less well-armed, less well-trained version of the Army and launched them into operations against the insurgents. Meanwhile, nobody is doing the job of actual policing—rule of law, keeping the population safe…

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