
Well, ha ha. Godfrey Bloom, ‘kipper (and subject of a TYR profile back in 2004) is concerned that his party is full of obsessives, weirdos, and people with terrible amateur schemes. Bloom’s rant is worth quoting: My experience thus far is that as soon as more than 2 people get in a room progress completely…

Read More “Buying policy off the shelf”: the last political party

My initial response to today’s Labour policy rollout was as follows: @labour_partisan also, another way of hating the young. — Alex Harrowell (@yorksranter) April 7, 2013 Thinking about it, though, this isn’t necessarily so. Presumably the idea is that people build up additional entitlement by paying their class III National Insurance contributions over the years…

Read More Labour market efficiencies from the Roses to the X factor

Chris Dillow says: “In this sense, short-term fiscal conservatism might create social norms more supportive of social democracy” But this is just contrarianism. We can actually observe the opposite happening. After all, wouldn’t it be more likely that prolonged high unemployment, degradation of the public sphere, encouragement of dodgy coping-strategies like pretend self-employment, and perceived…

Read More The transition towards a low-trust society

Well, I’m on record as saying that since June, 2010, I’m all in with Team Desiccated Calculating Machine. And wouldn’t that be a good name for a blog. So, here’s a bland and technocratic thing. The Health Service Journal reports Andy Burnham’s NHS speech, and seems to think it’s pretty good. The key points are…

Read More Sensible ideas.

Remember the magic lie-detector voice analyzer? It’s baaack. Also, Cornish Tory councillor Fiona Ferguson is a mensch. Here’s the story; it seems the council hired Capita aka Crapita to put the fear of God into people claiming single person’s council tax discount (THE BASTARDS!). Capita, which is the sole UK distributor of 100% guaranteed pure…

Read More Not this shit again. In which I praise a Tory