I was about to comment on this Jamie Kenny post about the blackly comic way that 10 years after the 11th September attack, the US or at least its media-political complex is in thrall to some book-burning nut in Florida who got thrown out of Germany for helping himself to the communion plate. Then I…
Read More googlemastur/metablogging
Creepy google searches of the week: “who writes the blog for yorkshire ranter” and “identity of yorkshire ranter”. Someone in a BT dynamic-IP pool.
Read More dsrlibertarian blogging fratricide
An unusual case. (Horrible right-wing) Blogger convicted of threatening to kill three judges. One judge is himself a (not all that horrible) right-wing blogger, and another is a horrible right-wing blogger and journalist’s brother. The prosecutor in the case is the former idol of Firedoglake, Patrick Fitzgerald.
Read More libertarian blogging fratricideThe Amnesty Rule
Has anyone ever accused Amnesty International of being silent on (insert abuse here) and not been lying through their teeth? Seriously; I’ve had this argument so many times on the Internet since, ooh, 1996 or thereabouts. It always follows this pattern: A: Amnesty International says that some government/movement/company/faceless mob B supports is doing something incredibly…
Read More The Amnesty Rulestable and principled
Meet the new project, everyone – reporting on our new Stable and Principled government, especially its unstable and unprincipled bits. I have just broken my duck. There’s also a twitter feed, facebook group, so on and so forth. It comes with Tom Boriswatch and Naadir Random!
Read More stable and principledFrench bloggers, Scud missiles, etc
There’s a new strategy blog about, this time a French one. They have an interesting discussion about the suggestion/rumour/story that Hezbollah might be trying to acquire Scud missiles. They’re dubious about it, although open to the suggestion that the organisation might be developing its own inter-service politics, with the big rocket people perhaps constituting the…
Read More French bloggers, Scud missiles, etcmemetic post you can safely ignore
Oh yes, blog theme tune. Auto-suggestion psychology. Elimination policy. The military-industrial pollution of democracy. It’s what we stand for. Oh yes, and bifurcation. In order to honour the essentially dualistic nature of the blog, here’s another version – how David Holmes saw it.
Read More memetic post you can safely ignoremarginally less disturbing search request
It’s been a while since this referrer’s been in: proxy-ext-76.osd.mil [Srv] [entrypoint #81] 2007/05/falklands-myths-4-american-and-european.html Mar 04, 17:36:34 [0:00:00] views: 1 Google (ascension island 1982 jet fuel) Proxy: proxy-ext-76.osd.mil – RSRCNISA01 I think that counts as a Disturbing Search Request, if not quite as disturbing as when the S in OSD was Donald Rumsfeld.
Read More marginally less disturbing search requestlooking over the edge of the teacup
Jamie Kenny complains that nobody reads his Chinese blogosphere roundups and, more seriously, that nobody else in the British blogosphere writes about anything Chinese. He has a good point (and I’d strongly recommend them to anyone who reads this who doesn’t read them). Come to think of it, a hell of a lot of British…
Read More looking over the edge of the teacupGood luck, Phil. Again
Phil Carter quits; more here. I rather wonder if it had some connection to this. Is it any consolation that the Obama administration has a better class of resignations? I think not. Meanwhile, another voice of sense is silenced by trolls. I said a while ago somewhere that CNAS was likely to be to this…
Read More Good luck, Phil. Again