intelligence and stupidity

J.D> Henderson chez Intel Dump writes that General Abizaid should be relieved of his command. But first, he says, he respects Abizaid for the courage he showed in his past career. Fair enough. But there is some historical evidence that extremely brave generals are a bad idea. Consider the British experience – we brought several…

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There’s been plenty of debunking aimed at the Weekly Standard‘s claim that more US troops in Iraq always means less violence, but I haven’t seen this point. Stuntz argues that 18,000 more troops were deployed between November, 2004 and February, 2005, and the butcher’s bill fell. Well, it would. November, 2004 was the peak of…

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Christmas is coming, so it must be time to start raking over old quarrels and scratching at old wounds. The Ministry has at Torygraph hack Con Coughlin, among other things because of this WMD furphy from December, 2003. I remember it well. The weapons were supposedly WMD-tastic warheads for RPGs, which is incredibly silly, and…

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Yesterday, October 31st, at 1126 Central European Time, we had the following entry in the server log… [entrypoint #424] 2006/10/carrierwatch-update_30.html Oct 31, 11:26:28 [0:00:00] views: 1 Proxy: – CVN65UCSDC2, (squid/2.5.STABLE3) That is to say, someone aboard CVN-65, the USS Enterprise, read this post. You know who you are. You know where the…

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