If it looks right…
If it looks right, it probably is right, as they say. So LockMart is looking into a seaplane design…but how did they come up with this? Surely that’s too ugly to fly? (hat tip: Aviation Week.)
Read More If it looks right…If it looks right, it probably is right, as they say. So LockMart is looking into a seaplane design…but how did they come up with this? Surely that’s too ugly to fly? (hat tip: Aviation Week.)
Read More If it looks right…There’s something about this, that I’m not sure if I find intensely cool or deeply disturbing; that is, of course, a neat definition of anything worth writing about. (It’s certainly the sci-fi project; thrilling wonder and uncanny menace.) So, a ski resort is short of snow due to the gradually warming winters; they make snow,…
Read More Making electricity to make snow and not make more CO2Remember this post on how the NHS National Programme for IT was doomed? Chatter is circulating that the whole thing might be scrapped, or at least subjected to a major review. Against this background, the big chief, Richard Granger, is leaving and has said some surprising things. E-Health Insider reports; and it’s somewhat disturbing. Apparently,…
Read More NPfIT: Still a disaster. Still a disaster in the same wayAges ago, during a comments thread discussion here about British nuclear weapons and Trident replacement, Chris Lightfoot (peace and blessings be upon him) suggested the option of “virtual” nuclear capability; that is, maintaining all the necessary technology, keeping the plans on the books, but not actually making a bomb. The canonical example is Japan, which…
Read More Fear of a Swedish BombHas Dan Hardie actually infiltrated the Chief of the General Staff’s private office? Mick Smith reports that Dannatt is gagging to create another brigade or so of infantry, which is not only roughly Dan’s prescription, but would just about equal last year’s four battalion cut. Hell, there are some fine old colours laid up in…
Read More Just Who Is the 5’O Clock Blogger?