I don’t think this means what Thomas Barnett thinks it does. He argues that the demand for armoured patrol vehicles in Iraq is an example of conflict between the objectives of his “SysAdmin” force, and the Washington-cented, tech-heavy “Leviathan”. Of course, it’s an example of conflict between the centre and the front line, but that’s…

Read More Built-In Stupidity

This list of Blackwater boss Erik Prince‘s campaign contributions has been getting heavy-traffic blogger attention due to his donation to a fake Green Party candidate. There’s better, though: consider these two line items in relation to one another. Prince, ErikMcLean, VA 22102Prince Group/Chairman PRINCIPLES EXALT A NATION POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE $1,000 primary 01/04/06 Principles, eh?…

Read More Principles!

OK, so professional War On Terror bullshitter Alexis Debat worked for super-War On Terror bullshitter Amir Taheri. Those of you who use this blog’s Updated category to check corrections will have noticed that I have corrected some posts about Pakistan that used material from his writings. But I’m struggling to make out the pattern; Debat’s…

Read More Cunning trickster

What a weekend, eh? That’s the first run on the bank I’ve ever seen, so in the future I’ll be able to say “Well, I remember back in the Panic of ’07…what, you don’t remember the Northern Rock? What do they teach these people today? Yes, they had branches then; and cash!” “You’re not my…

Read More Build upon the Rock and not upon the…whoops