‘Ello, Ello, Let’s Be Having You!

Right: it’s time for a final desperate push before the MPA meets on Thursday.

So far, we can update our lists as follows:

5 declared Labour members.
1 Green, Jenny Jones, still hanging on for the decentralised, human-scale virtues of ecologically plugging random electricians on the tube. But we’re getting in touch…
7 Tories and Liberals.
Cindy Butts, Faith Boardman, and Richard Sumray, who are all for various reasons parti pris for the Government.
Damien Hockney is voting no confidence in Sir Ian Blair.
Karim Murji, I’m informed, is voting the Government ticket.

That’s 10 members of the Glock 17 caucus to 8 in the Axis of Reason. Who’s left?

Aneeta Prem, media@aneeta.com
Reshard Auladi: CONTACT NEEDED
Rachel Whittaker
Kirsten Hearn
John Roberts
Peter Herbert, we think, is sound.

If you have any spare time this week at all, and especially if you live in London; can you please take the time to contact one of these people? And if you’ve got a blog, can you please reproduce this? Remember that in a two-horse race like this,

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