15 Comments on "Four More Years!"

  1. I’ve been reading for about a year. Can’t remember if I came across the blog because of the Yorkshire connection (I’m ex-Leeds, now Canada) or the no-war-in-Iran posts. But still learn a lot and enjoy.

    Keep up the fine work.


  2. Thanks for all your blogtastic work. You speak intelligently on various and sundry topics and always with a unique POV. Keep it coming…and happy anniversary!


  3. Hey, Alex! Great blog. I think I bumped into you initially with your “Maglev is Dead” post (and linked to it over on my primary blog http://kenzoid.com ), but have stayed because I’m enjoying your insightful posts on politics, economics, IT, and security. Good stuff, and I enjoy getting a view of things from outside of the US (where I’m from). It’s important to see a lot of viewpoints in my opinion.

    Keep it up!


  4. Ex Wakefield, Kosovo, Brussels, Sierra Leone, Yemen, Bradford… always appreciating your writing Alex.



  5. Congratulations!

    I’m a coder living in London, been reading regularly for a bit less than a year. Maybe not technically a lurker, since I have commented here once before. Can’t remember how I came to visit your blog for the first time, but I read several others that you hang out at, including AFoE.


  6. Hullo from Nantucket wherein I have firmly planted head and feet. Your blog helps keep me in touch with home (UK)and reality in the rest of the world.
    Rant on.


  7. I’ve been reading you for a couple of years, now; latterly via RSS. Came for the Yorkshire connection – another bloody Bradfordian crawling out of the woodwork – stayed for the incisive commentary; not even put off by you pulling me up on my misquotes of Withnail and I…

    Many happy returns!


  8. I happened in here by accident, following am Iraq-related link from somewhere. My heartiest congratulations on your anniversary!


  9. Greetings from Sydney, Australia and congratulations on the anniversary! Some months ago I followed a link from… er… somewhere… to one of your posts debunking the talk of an imminent invasion of Iran. Might have been the first of those.

    Love you insights – keep it up!


  10. It was very possibly a Rugby League / Bradford / Yorkshire connection that brought me here in the first place (like so many others, it seems) but it was the interesting content that made me stay. I’ve been a lurker for a couple of years now.


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