Firedump: 3C-QRF the Second

Right, another go to get 3C-QRF seized…

Soj is going for the Romanian Ministry of Transport. Post mirrored..

This is the text in Romanian language. If you want to participate, copy this:

Domnul Ministru Gheorghe Dobru,

Va scriem pentru a va informa cu respect despre existenta aeronavei model BAC-111, cu numarul de inregistrare 3C-QRF, cu numarul de fabricatie 61, care in prezent este localizata pe aeroportul Baneasa in Bucuresti, Romania.

Aceasta aeronava este utilizata de compania “Jetex Flight Support”, care este inregistrata in Guineea Ecuatoriala, dar in principal isi realizeaza afacerile in Sharjah in Emiratele Arabe Unite.

Aceasta aeronava cu numarul de inregistrare 3C-QRF apartine companiei “San Air General Trading”. In data de 16 martie 2004, Comitetul Consiliului Securitatii Natiunilor Unite a pus in discutie o lista care contine nume a indivizilor si companiilor carora le este interzisa calatoria si desfasurarea afacerilor datorita implicarii lor in razboiul civil din Liberia.

Compania “San Air General Trading” se afla pe aceasta lista. Aeronava QC-3RF a fost de asemenea utilizata pentru a transporta arme catre Republica Democrata Congo in 2004, ceea ce reprezinta o violare a Hotararii Comitetului Consiliului Securitatii Natiunilor Unite.

Desfasurand afaceri cu aceasta companie si aproband planurile sale privind operarea in Romania reprezinta o violare a Rezolutiei 1521 a Comitetului Consiliului Securitatii Natiunilor Unite.

Cu respect va cerem luarea masurilor, de urgenta, necesare pentru interzicerea derularii afacerilor sau uzului personal pe aceasta aeronava. Aven informatii privind montarea unui alt motor pe aeronava, de asemenea, am dori confiscarea acestei aeronave de catre autoritati.

Va multumim pentru timpul acordat si pentru luarea in considerare a cererii noastre.

(your name and contact info)

It should be sent to this email: (Romanian Ministry of Transportation)
CC emails to Romanian press:,,,,,,

This is the English translation of the above letter. This is simply for non-Romanian speakers.

Dear [Transportation] Minister Gheorghe Dobru,

We write to respectfully inform you that there is a model BAC-111 aircraft, registration number 3C-QRF, serial number 61, which is currently located at the Baneasa Airport in Bucuresti, Romania.

This airplane is being leased by the company “Jetex Flight Support”, which is registered in Equatorial Guinea, but does business primarily in Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates.

This airplane with registration number 3C-QRF belongs to San Air General Trading, Inc. On March 16, 2004, the United Nations Security Council Committee issued a list of individuals and companies prohibited from traveling and doing business because of their involvement in the civil war in Liberia.

The company San Air Trading, Inc. is on this list. This airplane QC-3RF was also used to fly in weapons to the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2004, also in violation of a United Nations Security Council Resolution.

Doing business with this company and allowing their planes to operate in Romania is violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1521.

We ask that you immediately issue a prohibition for any business or individual to use this airplane. We have information that a replacement motor is soon to be installed on this plane, therefore we ask that this airplane be immediately confiscated by the authorities.

We thank you for your consideration in this matter,

(your name, contact info)

Time to move, lads. We may not have much.

4 Comments on "Firedump: 3C-QRF the Second"

  1. Please understand this!! JETEX is not owned by Bout. It may contract its services out to him? But I ensure you he does not own the company


  2. Everyone in the industry knows that
    My company wanted to work with Jetex we ran a background check and we were told that we can’t work with them due to undisclosed reason which I suspect is the below

    Jetex is Owned by Viktor Bout through 3 individuals
    Ali Hijazi , Salim Yousef and Adel Mardini


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