Keith Olbermann of MSNBC’s Countdown ran with the voting oddnesses last night, covering much of the stuff that has been blogged heavily in the last few days. For example, those mystery voters: “Interestingly, none of the complaining emailers took issue with the remarkable results out of Cuyahoga County, Ohio. In 29 precincts there, the County’s…

Read More Voting Weird: MSNBC hits the story

Well, the bollocks is officially over and Allawi has “given the go-ahead”. Now for the show. A “source” has suggested to me that most of the guerrillas have already exfiltrated and are intending to create mayhem in the rear once the US Marines are thoroughly committed. The hardly reported massacre of police in the Haditha/Haqlaniya…

Read More Fallujah

The Washington Post reports on the use of monster databases to record customers who return or exchange goods they find unsatisfactory, and to refuse returns automatically to people a computer decides do it too often. This is just another example of a worrying trend – using industrial-strength data mining and surveillance systems for trivial purposes,…

Read More Say NO to ID cards: taking it back to the shop